क ख ग घ ङ
च छ ज झ ञ
Principal's Welcome

Dar Parents,
On behalf of the Global Education Program (GEP), I extend a very warm welcome to you. We started our journey in pursuit of excellence in December 2020 and it has been a wonderful experience these years so far; one that has been cherished by all associated with this institution. We believe preservation and promotion of our Nepali Language is our TOP PRIORITY in GEP program.
We are running free online Nepali Class for the beginners with experienced dedicated teachers and volunteer teachers to teach our children Nepali Language, Culture, Etiquettes etc. through our institution.
This mission of language preservation and promotion can solve the language barriers between parents and children in the families. It can be only accumplished with the help of parent's corporation, participation and support in Nepali Learning Activities. We would like to welcome everyone to our GEP by registering your children in Online Nepali Class.

Mamata Tamang, Principal

Patalo Antarey, Vice- Principal
Meet Our Teachers

Sabina Malla

Laxmi Gautam
Volunteer Teacher

Draupadi Pradhan

Loknath Khanal

Abi Neopane
Volunteer Teacher
GEP Management Board

Denzome Sampang

Jay Bantawa Rai

Arjun Pradhan
Management / IT
Management / IT
Management / Media